OUGD406 - INDESIGN - Layout research


Here I have looked at double page spreads in order to consider design influences in relation to layout for my double page spread.  


Scientific Drawing

One area I of aesthetic I considered using as a theme was the use of scientific drawings. I love Da Vinci - esque drawings, and so I considered these as an influence, and possible something I could use. 

Here I have explored drawings and diagrams of European Badgers:

Badger Research

Obviously for the 500 word content about badgers, I needed to look into the animals themselves:

There are 7 main  types of badger, so I've decided to research briefly into each of them, then chose 5 to put on my double page spread. 

1. European Badger - Meles Meles

The Eurasian badger is about 3 feet (90 cm) long, with a 4 inch (10 cm) tail, and weighs about 30 pounds (13.6 kg). The distinctive trademark of the badger is the white head with black stripes along each side of their face. Their ears are rounded and they have small white-tipped ears.  From a distance they appear to be grey in colour, but actually they have coarse black and white hairs over a brownish yellow "underfur".  There is a small group of reddish badgers endemic to Britain.  The face of the Eurasian badger is longer and narrower than it's American cousin. They have been known to fill in another burrowing preys exit hole, before attempting to reach them through another entrance.


2. American Badger - Taxidea taxus
Adult badgers measure 30 inches (76cm) to 35 inches (89cm) in length, including a short furry tail averaging 5.5 inches (14 cm).  Their bodies are wide and give a flat backed appearance.  Many adult badgers weigh 12 pounds (5.4 kg) to 16 pounds (7.3 kg), although weights might increase to over 20 pounds (9.1 kg) in the late fall as they store up layers of fat to sustain them during periods of cold weather and deep snow.
Colors are mostly gray, with a grizzled effect due to long guard hairs that have a black band ending in a white tip.  Their "underfur" is either a light tan, or a creamy white.  A white stripe from the nose leads between the eyes and back over the head of the badger, ending between the shoulders.

3. The Honey Badger - Mellivora capensis

The Honey Badger is about 2 ft (61 cm) long excluding the tail, it has a coat that is black on the lower half of the body and pale gray above. The honey badger resembles its distant relative the skunk in coloration and in the possession of an anal scent gland.  The honey badger has short legs and stout claws and is a strong burrower and a good climber. 

 Interestingly, the honey badger collaborates with the indicator bird, in obtaining honey, a favourite food. The bird searches for a bee colony, and when one is found, the honey badger rips it open. The bird and the honey badger then share the honey. They are omnivorous and will also eat insects, rodents, birds, eggs, snakes, roots, fruits and tubers.


4. Ferret Badger - Melogale personata

The smallest of the badger family, only reaching a weight of 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg)  to 7 lbs. (3.1 kg).  Their bodies reach a length of 13 inches (33 cm) to 17 inches (43 cm).  They are also called tree badgers, or pahmi.  Aside from the Burmese and Chinese ferret badger there is Everett's ferret badger Melogale everetti, which is only found on Mount Kinabalu at the northern tip of the island of Borneo.

The honey badger's anal glands secrete a vile-smelling liquid to deter its enemies, whereas ferret badgers, the teledu and the Palawan stink badger will squirt the contents of their anal glands into the face of an attacker.

5. Palawan Stink Badger - Sullotaxus marchei

The Palawan stink badger's body reaches a length ranging from 12.6 inches (32 cm) to 18.1 inches (46 cm).  Their tails range from .4 inches (1 cm) to 1.6 inches (4 cm).
It gets its name from the fact that its scent is very strong andoffensive.  The honey badger's anal glands secrete a vile-smelling liquid to deter its enemies; whereas ferret badgers, the Teledu and the Palawan stink badger will squirt the contents of their anal glands into the face of an attacker.  The Palawan stink badger can reportedly strike a target up to 39 inches (1 m) away.

Other Options: 

  Hog Badger - Arctonyx collaris

It is grey to black or brown with a white striped head pattern and white throat, ears, and tail.  The body and head of the hog badger range from 22 inches (55 cm) to 28 inches (70 cm).  The tail ranges from 4.7 inches (12 cm) to 6.7 inches (17 cm).  The hog badger of China is easily distinguished from other badgers by naked pig like snout, and  a much longer tail.  The weight of the adults range from 15 lbs. (7 kg) to 31 lbs. (14 kg).

Indonesian Stink Badger - Mydaus javanensis

The stink badger's body is brown to black, with white on the head and sometimes with a dorsal stripe. Its body ranges from 15 inches (38 cm) to 20 inches(51 cm) long, excluding the tail.  The length of the tail ranges from 2 inches (5 cm) to 3.2 inches (8cm), and they weigh from 2.2 lbs (1 kg) to 8.8 lbs. (4 kg).  The toes of the forefeet are joined as far as the roots of the claws. 

I also came across this image of all the previous badgers in one image:

Thursday 28 February 2013
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