OUGD405 - Research, Collect, Communicate: PRODUCT - Board Game Research

Existing Games:

Gametica - Lukas Kulakowski 

This board game features 140 cards relating to design and a fairly simple gameplay involving two dice, one with numbers, the other with shapes. 

I find this influential due to the simple colour scheme, which leads to simple understanding. The sets of cards are clearly labelled, so it is made obvious which selection to pick from. 

I like the usage of different opacity to create a simple design.

I intend to keep the colour scheme with my board game simple, as I feel the gameplay will be made much easier, especially for children who will be playing the game.

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Nothin' Doin' - Katie Hatz

 "Nothin' Doin'" is a board game, with the objective to achieve and sustain happiness without working a nine-to-five job.

Once again, a simple colour scheme seems to be effective, with only two colours in use. I really like the design of the cards, and feel as if they are beautifully simple. I like the inclusion of pencils that are also part of the colour scheme. 

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Travel Babel - Jeff Geisinger

A board game that “helps defeat the negative stereotype of the ignorant-American-traveler”. 

The game teaches Americans about different cultures around the world. In order to win the game, one must have answered correct questions from everywhere in the world, and then you are given a passport stamp. 

 The packaging for this game definitely utilitises its' space. I intend for my game to fit in the pocket in the seat in front, but this has influenced my decision into exploring packaging much more. 

If my board game consists of several different objects, i intend to package it in a simple and categorized box, like the designer has used above. 



Monday 14 January 2013
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