OUGD405 - Photoshop Workshop - Colour Modes and Adjustment Layers


Illustrator - Used for illustrating, simplest of programs.  
Photoshop - Manipulation of photos. 
InDesign - Layout of combination of text and image, read for print. 

Destructive transformation - something which is not reversible - adjust contrast, levels, etc.. 

Adjustment layers - Non destructive editing.  

-Resolution, size and colour mode - the 3 things you should always maintain are correct in usage.


300ppi- Standard size for non- pixelated imagery for print.  
A higher resolution can be used, but in general 300 is best. eg. billboards.  

72 ppi/ 96 ppi- A screen only holds this much, so resolution never needs to be higher. 

227 ppi - Retina Display 

Images from the internet are always 72 ppi, which is why you should take your own photos, and work at the resolution you intend to use for your output. 


CMYK- Print - Colour is made from ink.
RGB - Web - Colour is made out of light. 

When you create things on a screen, you're working in RGB. 

Photos are always taken in RGB as it captures light, and does not work with ink. 

When something is converted to CMYK from RGB, it is irreversible, and destructive.

"Proof Setup" - a test of what it will look like printed. You can choose to work with the separate plates.

"Proof Colours" - a non destructive transformation where you can see what the image will look like printed. 

Gamut Warning - a specific set of colours. If something is out Gamut, then the colours are out range. This warning highlights in grey the colours that are out of range which you can change. 

Vivid blues are often not visible in CMYK, but it can still be achieved at a different hue.

Adjusting levels with adjustment layers / layer masks, then you can remove sections with the brush tool in black. 

The quick selection tool used, then the levels pulled over to where they are highest. Where the levels are low it's the clouds. 

How to get Photoshop to do your work for you: 

How to get loads of images to do the same thing: 
 Contact Sheet : organizes images. 

Merge to HDR Pro - A digital way of creating range of exposures, combined to create an image on how human eye sees things.  


Next Week: Medium filter - how to click a button, set it to do something, go for a coffee, come back and it will be done.

Bring images for next week

Thursday, 29 November 2012
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